The Digital Lens
About - The world is connected through a network of technologies. We are constantly calibrated, scanned, monitored and tracked by computers. Our personal devices, CCTV, remote sensors and motion sensors accumulate information at every moment to evolve ever-growing, omnipresent artificial intlligence.
Geographics is a 56 page collection of visualisations of the planetary-scale computation of modern society referred to as The Stack. This colaboration of works has been designed by the digital publishing students from Monash University.
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Chapter Info - This website is a digital companion to the chapter of Geographics that explores the ways in which computers look at us, how they calibrate, sense, track and detect us and our world. This visual narrative of the AI lens is encompassed within the 'address' layer of Benjamin Bratton's stack.
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you are being watched. Click here if you would not like to be monitored.
⇧ ☺ smile for the camera ☺ ⇧

⠵⠶GeoGraphics Book⠹⠵⠶⠱⠻56pp⠵⠳⠴215 mm x 279 mm⠱⠻⠵⠳⠴⠻softcover⠵⠵⠳⠴⠳⠱⠻⠴printed on demand $35 (+ $20 shipping)⠵⠶